Today, I read
an article online about how the talented young climber Joe Kinder had removed
two juniper saplings in the course of putting up a new route. That some concerned observer had taken a
picture of the saplings after removal and posted the pics, event, and Joe’s
cell phone number on the Internet, provoking an avalanche of feedback and
I know… hard
to believe, right?
apologized to the outraged public, paid a fine and went above and beyond to
show his remorse. I truly believe the
guy genuinely regretted the action, but perhaps for all the wrong reasons. Is Joe in fact sorry because he is now
convinced that it was somehow wrong to be more concerned about the safety of
his fellow humans than the uncertain fate of two junipers growing in a
crack? Or is he in fact simply pissed at
himself for doing this without hiding the evidence and then having to take so
much grief and humiliation from a huge community of hypocrites?
Alpinist magazine congratulated itself on
having an article about vertical gardening while nodding sagely at the wisdom
and importance of environmental sensitivity when establishing new routes, and
the nobility of Joe’s admission of error and efforts at restitution.
But is it
all, in truth, just so much self-congratulatory delusion?
Don’t get me
wrong- I have built and repaired a LOT of trail in the last 34 years; stopped
erosion and cross-cutting and landslides in Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Virginia
and back here in West Virginia, at my own home crags, under lines I did and did
not develop.
And I have cut saplings and cleaned moss and loose soil out of cracks and pockets to produce new first ascents and climbing routes.
I wrestle with this. I have hiked to interesting outcrops with fun looking lines and decided against development or even sharing their locations, based on the dense profusion of life and the variety of micro-cultures thriving there.
I have spent
every day since the placement of my first bolt and the lead of my first trad FA
practicing and preaching stewardship; the concept that the route developer is
responsible for the trails and impact of the crag.
But while I
am shouting into silence, the Access Fund and its corporate partners, the
climbing equipment companies, are creating climbers by the hundreds with huge
social events, Learn to Climb clinics, and
promo tours, all of which, BTW, have a gigantic impact on the climbing venues
in which they are held.
(Sorry, but
you can’t put upwards of three thousand people anywhere outdoors without a lot
of water bottle tops, tape, rope ends, human waste and trampled
vegetation. I cleaned up after three
Phoenix Climbing Comps. End of story.)
To round out
the picture, membership in the Access Fund will now get you a discount on one
of the finest 4 wheel drive vehicles in America, to allow you to go anywhere
you like off-road to practice your LNT views and hone your shiny new skills
with a drill, as you righteously retro-bolt classic run-outs into safe sport routes.
Which is
perfect, because we need to go back to that crowd calling for young Joe Kinder’s
blood over the desecration of two junipers; the online experts and forum
ninjas, the cyber judges of unknown and unproven provenance, the members of the
Nature Conservancy and the World Wildlife Fund and the faceless, vocal hordes
of entitled climbers of middling experience and skill: The Climbing Community.
This is a
unique culture with a number of people across a wide range of ages and origins,
genders and physical challenges, doing truly incredible and impressive things,
some of them even admirable as human beings.
increasingly, they are technocrats of suburbia; living in apartments and condos
and houses built on what was often open farmland or second-growth forest,
structures that are only “green” by definition, requiring just as many resource
consuming, impact-creating humans as ever to assemble and complete, and
producing just about as much waste in transportation and construction, if not
The new
environmentalists come and go from these idealistic illusions of home driving
vehicles that no matter how environmentally conscious are still made of
thousands of pounds of refined substances that do not simply melt away in the sun
at the end of the vehicle’s life. It has
been this author’s experience that most of them are SUVs that typically arrive
at their destination carrying one or, rarely, two people and, more often, up to
five dogs, where they will park on vegetation as necessary to get to the Scene
happening around the latest Destination Crag, no matter how many cars and vans
and hybrids are already lining the roads.
Once they
have trampled all the tiny new growths on the trail, texting all the while on
their improved 4G network or shooting footage on their GoPro while their
unleashed companion chases deer and squirrels and kills the occasional wood mouse
or chipmunk out of sheer fright, they will invariably stop somewhere near the
center of the trail adjacent on of the more popular lines, usually the one with
the biggest crowd, where they will ignore the traffic jam they are creating as
they break out a pack full of aluminum and nylon, two of the most high-impact
substances ever created. The second substance
will also comprise most of their apparel in some form or another, although not
one in one thousand will have any idea of the means or methods and impact of
recycling either product, short of weaving a rope rug or putting biners in the
corners of your truck bed.
While half a
dozen of the chosen top-rope the same handful of moderate lines on which they
have been falling at the same crux for most of their outdoor climbing careers
(usually a period measured in days, not years), other groups not of their local
tribe will pass hopefully back and forth, since the lines now under siege will
inevitably be the only routes in that grade at the crag, and the ropes draped
upon them will remain until the last light fades from the sky and all the chalk
bags run dry.
the dogs of these paragons of environmental activism and sensitivity will carry
on with their program: digging comfy holes in the middle of belay areas, running
off to the parking lot to pee on other people’s tires and get bitten by
copperheads or rattlers, chasing deer and crossing property boundaries and, in
between all of this, pooping out interesting piles and logs of artificial color
and ingredients along the trails.
As evening
falls and even the strongest cell phone batteries begin to fade, the tribe will
all waltz off, in separate cars of course, to meet in some trendy bistro with a
carbon footprint the size of Rhode island, there to update their Facebook
status and upload to their blogs and spurt their GoPro onto You Tube, none of
which has any environmental impact or carbon footprint because the Internet is
maintained by a mystical force without physical location that runs on Tesla
Zero-point generators that create power from nothing in a parallel dimension.
It’s true… I
read it on the Internet.
As the
worthies of the Fund and the Conservation teams drive away to their just reward
and adulation, behind them, just out of sight across the horizon, carefully
avoided and never mentioned (save during valuable sound bites on Earth Day) are
the hundred acre parcels of national forest and BLM land being clear-cut of all
timber, their micro climates and biodiversity destroyed as heavy diesel machinery
pushes logs and waste across the forest floor, leaking hydraulic fluid and fuel
and oil, choking streams, burying rock outcrops and cliff lines, all at a tidy
profit for the Federal government (yes, the same government that fined Joe) and
for the timber companies, who pay as little as $1 apiece for one hundred year old
… while
climbers cheer as they sit on Ikea in their green homes and watch “Chainsaw
Wars” on cable-fed big screen TVs, which also has no environmental impact,
because we just push satellites into space with big sling shots, like on the
Road Runner, and big screens are made of sugar so they just dissolve in hot
water when you need to recycle them.
climbers are exchanging email addresses and blog sites at the next Rendezvous,
there are toxic chemicals seeping and men dying in the coal mines of southwest
West Virginia and eastern Kentucky, communities poisoned and buried by the
mountaintop removal that has destroyed well over two hundred mountains of the
Appalachians and Alleghenies in the quest for cheaper methods of “extraction”,
a process that more resembles war than mining.
The coal extracted goes most often to produce the electricity that in
fact powers most of the cities in which these climbers live and in which their
advocacy groups make their homes.
In Arizona,
the Resolution Land Swap has failed again, but corporations, like dragons, only
slumber, and meanwhile mining rigs drill night and day, their lights and machine
noise now despoiling the silent desert stars of Apache Leap, a 200-foot tall
escarpment of historical importance that could be destroyed if plans to mine
just behind go forward. Led astray by
groupthink and corporate spokesmen once revered as rebels, climbers have done
an amazing job of turning their backs on Queen Creek, Oak Flat and Devils
Canyon, places that for over a decade were the center of bouldering and outdoor
climbing competition in the desert southwest.
But climbers
have more important things to worry about these days.
After all,
there were these two trees in a crack not one person in a thousand could ever
We do need to be environmentally conscious
when producing lines, when climbing them, and when travelling to and from the
crag. But we need, as well, to maintain
a sense of perspective, because the sum total of the impact created by climbers
is a pale echo of the massive corporate destruction being carried out on our
public lands, activities from which our government makes millions, and big
timber and coal make billions, while sacrificing lives and communities. We need to hold our advocacy groups
accountable for making deals with these companies, and for failing to speak out
to this government.
mission statements and oaths to Leave No Trace are at best a demonstration of ignorance, at worst nothing less than denial
and hypocrisy.
It is not
popular to criticize the Access Fund or cast aspersions on revered publications
like Alpinist.
But truth is
the only exception to the rule that
things that do not change, die.
Mister Kinder,
I’m not a numbers climber, not a V12 boulderer, no big shakes on the Scene… but
I would probably have done the same thing in cleaning a new line.
I have before, I will again, and even the
critics just seem to keep climbing my lines… and that is a truth all its own,
in the end.
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