Friday, October 31, 2014


A long month and ten days of work and travel, prepping for our Halloween Trail Daze and, this weekend, moving households, right in the middle of those event preparations.
In addition, Owlfeather Productions LLC is now a licensed business, new T-shirts and other goodies are in, and we've moved forward with starting a shuttle service for Reed's Creek, Smoke Hole, Dolly Sods and other local points of activity or interest, with service to Franklin, Seneca Rocks and Petersburg, WV.
Crazy whirlwind world, lots going on, but in the midst, I'd like to take a breath and say:
The new guides are inbound!  
We'll be starting to mail them out within the next two weeks or so, so watch your mailboxes, and watch this page for the announcement of where and when we will have the release event! 
 Thanks to you all for your support and patience- it's been great getting to meet some of you, "out and about", and I look forward to seeing more of you once you have the guides in hand. 
New route info, corrections and addendum items will be added to a " Guide Corrections and Updates" page on this site.
Have a great All Hallow's Eve, 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Another Gypsy Ramble

Out on a wet morning for a short hike along the North Fork Trail from the FS 79 campsite above Shreve's Store and Sanctuary.

Double Standard, Anyone?

The following is a post from the Mid-Atlantic Climbers' Coalition webpage, regarding access at the Catoctin Mountain Park, which was recently closed to bouldering:

“We are asking that climbers observe these restrictions to aid in our efforts. Demonstrating responsibility as a climbing community at this time will help make our case as we work to open up access in the future.”

How is it that these same principles of respect and responsibility do not seem to apply to the private property and crags of Franklin in WV, MACC?  You know, where you and your members have been climbing on private property without permission for years and where you continue to walk right past NEW, signed “No TRESPASSING” signs?
Double standard, anyone?
Was any portion of the recent Seneca Rocks Chilifest used to alert and inform climbers regarding this access issue?
How about Bridge (or, as I like to call it, "Let's all go shit in the woods at New River") Day?  Any round-table discussions there, between draining brews, updating your Facebook pages and slacklining, after spending your day trying to find parking and convincing yourself that you are actually observing LNT principles?
If so, there is no word of that on any of your websites.
If the Access Fund can't get the job done with the people it has in place, maybe it's time to replace those people with candidates who are both motivated and competent.
And maybe it's time for all those Access Fund members to start admitting that they really don't give a damn.
After all, they pay good money every year to be told what they should care about, and what isn't important.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Poison Fruit

Got to Franklin today to find three new, signed "NO Hunting or TRESPASSING" signs.

They haven't put up a new sign in the last decade, but after five years of no action from the AF/MACC- voila! Not only new signs, but signs with the name of a corporation, not a family, on them.  

Deja vu, anyone?

Congratulations, Access Fund and Mid-Atlantic Climbers Coalition- your policy of "don't ask, don't tell, don't stop climbing there but don't work on the trails" seems to be bearing the poison fruit I predicted.

You mothers must be very proud.... 

Start all the educational programs you want (with a company that makes its cams in China), partner with macho Jeep (the only car manufacturer that doesn't have a successful hybrid), do your best to spin control this... your people are pissing away more access than even you can buy, every hour of every day.